WVDP Platform Summary

WV Democrats are an inclusive party, focused on building a better future for all.

That means modern infrastructure and equal opportunities for all.

Democracy – We believe in transparent, participatory democracy. Peaceful transfer of power. Protecting voting rights and the Constitution. Open primaries (independent/non-affiliated voters may vote in WV Democratic primary elections). 

Modern Infrastructure – Tens of billions in public and private investments are coming to WV due to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act. New factories, roads, bridges, transit, and better jobs. Eldercare and childcare are also critical infrastructure for our families and businesses.

Labor – Strengthen the voices of all workers. Improve wages, benefits, collective bargaining, safety/health, retirement security, and working conditions.

Human Rights – All are welcome here. No hate in our hollers. We promote equal opportunity for all. Law enforcement and first responders have key roles in both securing and caring for communities. We promote long-term recovery from substance use disorder in our jails, workplaces, hospitals, & beyond. 

We support restoring the constitutional right to reproductive freedom, and access to high-quality reproductive health care services.

Public Education & Families – High-quality, free public education requires greater investment in public schools. We honor and support teachers and school service personnel. Reduce student debt. Expand early childhood and after-school programs. Oppose privatization of public schools. Improve childcare & foster care.

Healthcare for All – Quality, affordable healthcare is a basic human right. Millions of citizens have affordable healthcare because of the Affordable Care Act. Creating a high-quality, affordable public option will yield more competition & better healthcare outcomes.

Energy & Environment – Efficient, sustainable development is good for workers, businesses, households, and public health. Reduce energy costs through new tech. Reducing emissions can occur with all fuel sources. Conserve natural resources. Protect special places. Polluters should pay for the costs of their business.

Public Health – Invest in protecting public health, including food security, access to nature, and the physical, mental, and social health of all.

Immigration is part of our heritage as West Virginians. We support secure borders and immigration law reform. We also have a spirit of grace and mercy toward refugees facing cruelty and exile. Migration can bring economic opportunity.

Global Leadership – U.S. foreign policy must advance America’s security, prosperity, and values. We honor our veterans and military. Internationally, we support democracy, labor (fair trade), human rights, and America’s alliances.

When Democrats govern, we build an equitable & growing economy.

When Republicans govern, West Virginia loses.

Adopted by the 2024 West Virginia Democratic Party State Convention, June 15, 2024