
WVDP Chair Belinda Biafore on 82nd Anniversary of Social Security


WVDP Chair Belinda Biafore on 82nd Anniversary of Social Security

August 14, 2017

WVDP Chair Belinda Biafore on 82nd Anniversary of Social Security

WVDP Chairwoman Belinda Biafore released the following statement on the 82nd anniversary of the Social Security Act:

(Charleston, WV)– “Today is the 82nd anniversary of President Roosevelt signing the Social Security Act into law. President Roosevelt signed the law into place to bring protection to average citizens and their families for years to come. 

Social Security impacts millions and protects us every single day to strengthen our working class and economic security. 

Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and the West Virginia Republican Party have created national and state budgets that take from the working class and give to the rich and risks programs like Social Security that secure retirement for millions of families.

Trump budget would cut millions from the program and leave hardworking West Virginians without the security and dignity that they deserve. Paul Ryan and the rest of his buddies have been after Social Security for years. 

Our Social Security is at risk every day with them in leadership positions. We will continue to fight for an economy that works for everyone, a secure and promising way forward, and a strong working class that will allow us to grow into a West Virginia and America that we all deserve.

We will continue to fight against attacks of this administration and GOP leadership on hardworking families.

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Charleston, WV 25339

(304) 342-8121

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